i've had this wonderful video bookmarked for a few years now, and now that my new site allows, thought it would be a good time to share. his description of the "process of discovery" is what i try to practice every time i get a chance to photograph!
a few notes re: my new site, and obvious absence from blogging...hopefully, as you can see, i've been pretty busy. changing to a new site was occasionally technically challenging, but the process of re-imagining every one of my images was a blast! i took the time to re-asses each photo; sometimes eliminating it for whatever aesthetic or technical reason, sometimes re-arranging to tell a better story, sometimes converting to black and white, if it turned out that color was not a key part of the essence of the image. and, i was able to (at last) add a number of new images that i had taken over the last year or so, that were begging for my attention. hope you enjoy.